The Arts for Health and Wellbeing Team were really pleased to invite Jenny Jones to view her portrait on the Outpatients corridor at UHW as the winner of the Arts for Health and Wellbeing Programme’s ‘Nominate a Portrait’ campaign.

The Arts for Health and Wellbeing Team, supported by Cardiff & Vale Health Charity consistently work to improve lives through art. The ‘Nominate a Portrait’ campaign celebrates our NHS staff using art to acknowledge and celebrate their immense dedication and selflessness,

As part of NHS@75, staff were asked to nominate the colleagues they believed deserved extra recognition for going above and beyond to care for patients, their families and those they work with. Those with the most nominations would be asked to sit for a portrait by a celebrated artist.

Staff nurse Jenny Jones was highly commended for this prize by her colleagues who wished to recognise her years of dedicated NHS service prior to her retirement.

Jenny is so pleased to see the portrait in place at the University Hospital of Wales. She said, “It’s overwhelming to be singled out for recognition when all staff at the hospital go above and beyond for their patients, but I am thrilled with the finished work and seeing it in such a busy space at the University Hospital for Wales. Thank you for this opportunity, I was so surprised to be selected for the portrait , I have enjoyed this experience and it was also a pleasure to meet up with Mr Harry Holland the artist and view his work. ” – (Jenny Jones)

This portrait will stand as a testament to Jenny’s resilience, compassion and unwavering dedication as well as her tireless commitment to healing and hope. We are so pleased that artist Harry Holland offered to immortalise Jenny in this portrait, celebrating her not just as an NHS staff member, but as a human being deserving of our gratitude, respect and admiration.

Harry is widely regarded as one of Britain’s best craftsmen, his style being distinctive and immediately recognizable. His work is based on the study of classical values applied to modern metropolitan life. He has a predominant interest in the formal and technical aspect of painting.

His work has been widely exhibited internationally, and is in collections around the world.

Harry’s contemporary realistic style is a perfect way to embody the wonderful things Jenny’s colleagues have told us about her, and exhibited by the Arts for Health and Wellbeing team, it will allow patients staff and visitors to appreciate her legacy to the NHS and Cardiff and Vale UHB for generations to come.

Roedd Tîm y Celfyddydau ar gyfer Iechyd a Lles yn falch iawn o wahodd Jenny Jones i weld ei phortread ar goridor Cleifion Allanol Ysbyty Athrofaol Cymru fel enillydd ymgyrch ‘Enwebu ar gyfer Portread’ Rhaglen y Celfyddydau ar gyfer Iechyd a Lles.

Mae Tîm y Celfyddydau ar gyfer Iechyd a Lles, gyda chefnogaeth Elusen Iechyd Caerdydd a’r Fro, yn gweithio’n barhaus i wella bywydau trwy gelf. Mae’r ymgyrch ‘Enwebu ar gyfer Portread’ ar gyfer staff y GIG yn defnyddio celf i gydnabod a dathlu eu hanhunanoldeb a’u hymroddiad aruthrol.

Fel rhan o ddathliadau’r GIG@75, gofynnwyd i staff enwebu’r cydweithwyr a oedd yn haeddu cydnabyddiaeth ychwanegol yn eu barn nhw am fynd gam ymhellach i ofalu am gleifion, eu teuluoedd a’r rhai y maent yn gweithio gyda hwy. I’r rhai â’r nifer fwyaf o enwebiadau, cawsant gynnig portread gan artist enwog.

Cafodd Jenny Jones, nyrs staff, sawl enwebiad am y wobr hon gan ei chydweithwyr a oedd yn dymuno cydnabod ei blynyddoedd o wasanaeth ymroddedig i’r GIG cyn ei hymddeoliad.

Mae Jenny mor falch o weld y portread yn ei le yn Ysbyty Athrofaol Cymru; “Mae’n deimlad rhyfeddol cael eich dewis i gael cydnabyddiaeth pan fo holl staff yr ysbyty yn mynd gam ymhellach ar gyfer eu cleifion, ond rwyf wrth fy modd gyda’r gwaith gorffenedig a’i weld mewn lle mor brysur yn Ysbyty Athrofaol Cymru. Diolch am y cyfle hwn, roeddwn i wedi synnu cael fy newis ar gyfer y portread, rwyf wedi mwynhau’r profiad hwn ac roedd hefyd yn bleser cwrdd â Mr Harry Holland, yr arlunydd, a gweld ei waith.” – (Jenny Jones)

Bydd y portread hwn yn dyst i wydnwch, tosturi ac ymroddiad diwyro Jenny yn ogystal â’i gobaith a’i hymrwymiad diflino i iachau. Rydym mor falch bod yr artist Harry Holland wedi cynnig anfarwoli Jenny yn y portread hwn, gan ei dathlu nid yn unig fel aelod o staff y GIG, ond fel bod dynol sy’n haeddu ein diolch, ein parch a’n hedmygedd.

Mae Harry yn cael ei ystyried yn eang fel un o grefftwyr gorau Prydain, ac mae ei arddull yn nodedig ac yn hawdd ei hadnabod. Mae ei waith yn seiliedig ar astudiaeth o werthoedd clasurol sy’n berthnasol i fywyd metropolitanaidd modern. Mae’n ymddiddori’n bennaf yn yr agwedd ffurfiol a thechnegol o baentio.

Mae ei waith wedi cael ei arddangos yn eang yn rhyngwladol, ac mewn casgliadau ledled y byd.

Mae arddull realistig gyfoes Harry yn ffordd berffaith o ymgorffori’r pethau gwych y mae cydweithwyr Jenny wedi dweud wrthym amdani. Caiff y gwaith ei arddangos gan dîm y Celfyddydau ar gyfer Iechyd a Lles, gan alluogi cleifion, staff ac ymwelwyr i werthfawrogi ei gwaddol i’r GIG a BIP Caerdydd a’r Fro am genedlaethau i ddod.

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