The Arts for Health and Wellbeing Team are proud to exhibit a new sculpture at the main entrance of the University Hospital of Wales created by Artist Candice Bees.

The sculpture was kindly donated by Sky Arts.

It shows the juxtaposition of lifelike sheep in a city environment with the composition of the piece highlighting the cheeky, naughty and nosy nature of the animals. The sculpture is made from stainless steel, plastic, concrete and mixed media.

Candice is an exciting emerging award-winning artist who originally trained in illustration, but has now taken up sculpture to portray animals of all shapes and sizes, using wire as a medium.

Candice grew up in South West England surrounded by many different species of animals. Her love of animals accompanied by a sound understanding of anatomy and movement has resulted in Candice using her artistic skills to express animal’s motions and interactions that we may overlook in our daily lives.

A message from Candice;

“Although there are many different messages within this piece (I don’t want to give you my interpretation of this sculpture as I hope that you will enjoy coming up with your own!) My biggest aim as the sculptor was to create something that people will enjoy and hopefully bring a smile to their faces.

“At some point we will all struggle mentally and when in hospital things can be particularly hard on many of us. With this in mind I dedicate this sculpture to all of those who are having a tough time for whatever reason, young or old, Patients, family, carers, staff and anyone else who reads this. 

“This sculpture is for you. I hope that some way it’ll brighten your day.  With much love Candice” 

To find out more about the Arts and Wellbeing programme visit:

To find out more about Candice’s work please visit:

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